Who said erection is the word that hints at men? Take a look at this Wearable Solid Dildo Butt Plug that has been designed for all those women who wish to enjoy the pleasure of having a penis and stroke hard like anything. What makes it a great product is its silicone-made body. As a result, it is quite skin-friendly, durable and easy to penetrate. Black in colour, this dildo butt plug has been given a 3-dimensional structure along with a waist and leg part that can be easily adjusted. This Wearable Solid Dildo is indeed solid and durable, no matter how frequently you use it. For being made of silicone, this Wearable Solid Dildo is easy to wash and maintain as well. One must ensure to wash it both before and after use. It is 10.5 inches long and 3.5 inches width.